#NetflixAndChill Memes That Will Make You Feel Way Too Proud of Your Existence

by Taylor Ferber 10/18/2015

Netflix and chill isn’t a leisure activity. It isn’t a pastime. It’s a goddamn lifestyle. You have to commit to it, and only the strong survive. Although there are an array of people who partake in Netflix and chill-from the nymphos to the wussies and everyone in between-it takes a special breed of person to fully accept and implementation this do regularly.

You may think to yourself: “Should I feel ashamed for costs 12 straight hours watching a ’90s show with bae, surrounded by empty pizza boxes, going the whole time without brushing my hair or teeth?” A right Netflix and Chill-er knows the answer is always no, no you should not. If your inner conscious doesn’t provide you with that answer, these incredible memes will.

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    Hoping this will appear.

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    But still dedicated to the chill sesh.

  • Screen shot 2015-10-16 at 3.24.18 PM


    We salute you.

Pizza is bae. And yes, I still say bae.


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