‘Real Housewife’ Phaedra Parks — Forced To Squeal About Apollo’s Crimes


1013-phaedra-apollo-tmz-01Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Phaedra Parks has been silent about her husband’s criminal activities, and what she knew about it — but now she’s being mandatory to open up in an upcoming deposition.

Phaedra will be grilled by attorneys for author Angela Stanton — who Phaedra sued for defamation. Stanton wrote a book suggesting Parks knew all about Apollo Nida‘s illegal activities. Phaedra was already deposed once in the case, but stonewalled attorneys when it came to Apollo.

Now a judge has ordered Phaedra to sit for a 2nd deposition and answer those questions. Stanton’s lawyers say they need the info from Parks, so they can mount a proper defense in the defamation case.

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