Rihanna Is Now The Creative Director For Stance Socks


Photo: @badgalriri

While 27-year-ancient American Oxygen singer Rihanna is taking her time releasing her eighth album, we are getting a glimpse of what else she has in store. The latest news from the Grammy award-winning artist is that she has signed a three-year deal to become the contributing creative director for the California sock company, Stance. Riri will be designing socks and leading campaigns for the brand.

Women’s Wear Day after day has also reported that she will be joining an elite group of Stance’s brand ambassadors, “joining celebrities like artist Langley Fox Hemingway and former NBA All-star Allen Iverson”.

“She creatively pushes the boundaries in everything she does”, Candy Harris, senior vice head of Stance’s women’s division clarified to Women’s Wear Day after day. Stance is plotting to make a noteworthy digital ad play for Rihanna’s fall collection. Rihanna acted as the creative director of the fall campaign.

The singer will be designing signature women’s collection throughout her partnership with the brand, which will be hitting stores in the fall. Her first styles are a mixed media print, which are called “Murder Rih Wrote” come in both women and men and a knee-high version. Although, the crew sets are available now on Stance’s website, for all you Rihanna super fans. The set comes with in a set of three socks, with only 1,500 sets in production. The singer left her mark on each pair of socks by leaving the phrase “Bag Gal” all over the designs.

Harris continues to clarify “there are very few women in fashion whose personal style can go from road to couture in a blink. She does it with such credibility and authenticity. It makes her an original”.

Original article: Rihanna Is Now The Creative Director For Stance Socks

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