Posts Tagged ‘Groundbreaking’

Reality TV’s Most Groundbreaking Pop Culture Moments

Reality TV’s Most Groundbreaking Pop Culture Moments
by Christopher Rosa 55 m ago

Contrary to standard belief, reality television isn’t just about drunken hookups and catty fights. In fact, if you break through the soapy, trashy fare that dominates reality entertainment, you will find the genre has really shattered many cultural barriers. Whether that’s giving transgender people a voice or showing us that you can fall in like on screen, we can’t deny reality TV’s…

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Groundbreaking LGBT Moments in Hollywood

Groundbreaking LGBT Moments in Hollywood

Christopher Rosa | November 21, 2014 1:45 pm

LGBT depiction in pop culture has come a long way since its first rumblings in the early ’70s. From the first recurring gay character on television (Vincent Schiavelli in The Corner Bar) to the Glee phenomenon, LGBT-inclusive media is more prominent than ever before.

There are so many moments in entertainment that shaped LGBT…

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