Posts Tagged ‘Platforms’

Sky High Platforms Are The Funky Footwear Fad For Fall 2016

For Fall 2016, bold and chunky heels are set to quite literally elevate your footwear statements to an entirely new level! If you’re bored by flats and intimidated by stilettos, platforms are a chic compromise

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Fashion Flashback: The Tackiest Platforms of All-Time

Fashion Flashback: The Tackiest Platforms of All-Time

Tia Williams | November 15, 2014 9:00 am

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Most trends blaze hot for a brief moment in time, only to quickly disappear into the ether (languishing forever in yearbooks and mortifying composition videos). The shelf life for most fashion fads is usually a decade, at most. Not so with platform shoes, a style that reigned from Carmen Miranda and…

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