Posts Tagged ‘Rosa’

Laura Oyier Now Cannot Pay Villa Rosa Kempinski Bill

Laura Oyier Now Cannot Pay Villa Rosa Kempinski Bill

Laura Oyier first became well-known for not paying a bill of Ksh250,000 at the Intercontinental Hotel during the Valentine’s Day period. She was taken to court for not being able to come up with the money but eventually radio queen at Radio Africa, Caroline Mutoko came to the rescue after hearing her report.

Recently, Laura was at Villa Rosa Kempinski,…

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Chris Rock Says U.S. Race Relations Are “Nonsense,” Calls Ellen DeGeneres the “Gay Rosa Parks”

Chris Rock Says U.S. Race Relations Are “Nonsense,” Calls Ellen DeGeneres the “Gay Rosa Parks”

Rahsheeda Ali | December 1, 2014 4:45 pm

Chris Rock is promoting his upcoming film, Top Five, but judging from his recent interview in New York magazine, it sounds like he’s ready to run for office. The comedian sat down with columnist truthful Rich and shared views on everything from the Obama administration to Ferguson, with his wounding humor dripping from…

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