Whassup?!?!? Where Are Your Favorite Superbowl Commercial Pitch Men Now?

| February 1, 2014 10:00 am

superbowl commerical

Super Bowl Sunday is almost here! Which means it’s time for the big game, the big parties and the big commercials. Every year, corporations shell out millions of dollars to make a huge splash, but one could argue that nothing can match the fervor surrounding Super Bowl commercials 15 years ago. It was the era of Ali Landry‘s hot Doritos girl, the “Make 7 Up Yours” ad guy, and Budweiser’s “Whassup?” ad campaigns. Some of those commercial pitch men, like Landry’s Doritos co-star Sean Hayes and 7 Up’s Orlando Jones, went on to larger and better things, where as others faded into obscurity. So where are the Super Bowl commercial stars of the past now? And will this Sunday’s Super Bowl commercials progeny any stars of tomorrow?


Sean Hayes (Doritos and Budweiser 1998)

Sean Hayes is known best known for his work as Jack on Will & Grace, but before that, he was the commercial king. Specifically, he appeared in two classic Super Bowl commercials in 1998. One (see below) featured Hayes as a bored husband on a shopping pleasure trip and in the additional, he was a hapless man trying to woo Ali Landry with Doritos. By the fall of 1998, Hayes was effective on Will & Grace. The series lasted in anticipation of 2006 and since then, Hayes has appeared in a variety of film and television roles, including the recent NBC sitcom, Sean Saves The World. 

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Tags: Orlando Jones, Sean Hayes

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